Taking a Break
2022-09-10neovim: refactored config
2022-04-30Opinion: VCS Commits
2022-02-28Experimenting w/gamedev: Part 4 - Behavior System
2021-08-06Experimenting w/building a game: Part 3 - LFS, Maps
2021-07-25Experimenting with LOVE2D: Part 2 (Dependencies)
2020-08-24Experimenting with LOVE2D: Part 1
2020-08-05vim plugins I use
2020-03-02Streaming from OBS to RTMP server for recording
2020-02-11Go: small tips, advice, and some gotchas
2019-08-27Docker, Compose, Go
2018-09-05[archive] Environments & Go
2014-05-20[archive] Static analysis tools for PHP